Friday, April 28, 2017


Pre-K Pajama Day was a HUGE success!  Thank you to all the grown-ups who donated items for our pancake breakfast and who cooked and served pancakes.   The children enjoyed spending the day in their pajamas!  Enjoy the photos below of our day in pajamas and eating pancakes!


Our time with Mr. Ditty this afternoon was spent outside.  Mr. Ditty read us the story  Grow Happy and we shared ways to make others happy.  Since the book was about growing, we walked out to the greenhouse and took a tour to see what was growing inside of it.

THURSDAY 4-27-17

...what part of the butterfly life cycle I made for the butterfly garden.
...what I think is the best part of me.

As part of our celebration of young children this week, we read the story, The Best Part of Me.  We then asked each child to tell us his/her best part and why.  Their responses are displayed on the bulletin board outside of our classroom.

We are creating a "butterfly garden" in our classroom, complete with the parts of the butterfly life cycle. 
Here is our butterfly garden.
Children chose one part of the butterfly life cycle to make.

Children made caterpillar eggs on leaves.

Children made a chrysalis.

Children made butterflies.

Pictures of the caterpillars are coming soon!

On Wednesday, we had cooking and made cinnamon crescents.  These were a huge hit to make and eat!  Children brought home the recipe in their folders.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

TUESDAY 4-25-17

...the new password.
...our new "Star of the Week". many legs a butterfly has.
...the water beads in our sensory tub.
...the "Butterfly Garden" we are creating in our classroom.

Nola creates with our new butterfly and flower connectagons.
Olivia and Josie enjoy listening to stories on the I-pad.
Andrew works on a butterfly life cycle puzzle.
Josie and Alex create by hammering nails into wooden shapes on a cork board.

Nola completes a butterfly puzzle.

Last Friday we read The EARTH Book and discussed ways that each of us can help take care of the Earth.  As a follow-up, we provided children with a small booklet about taking care of the Earth to enjoy at home

Last Friday, Mr. Ditty introduced the Pre-K children to "Slow Down Snail", a character who practices ways to calm himself when he is overly excited.

Last Friday, we dropped some very, very tiny water beads into cups of water.  We left them over the weekend, and when we checked them on Monday morning, they had grown.  The water beads are now in the sensory tub for exploration.

Layla is our last "Star of the Week".  She has been very patient waiting for her turn!
We learned that Layla enjoys eating mango, green beans, watermelon, pizza, corn, salmon, and macaroni&cheese.  When she grows up, Layla wants to be a police officer, and teacher and a doctor.
You will be one busy woman!   Thank you for sharing your photos, your caterpillar story and your light-up ball, Layla!  It was fun to learn more about you!

Be sure your child remembers to wear pajamas to school on Friday.  A note went home yesterday in folders.
Today, we created leaves, grass and flowers for a butterfly garden we are making in our classroom.  Stay tuned-- next we are adding eggs on a leaf, caterpillars, chrysalis and butterflies!